Bible Verses For Study

 Exodus 22:25-27 – God has compassion for those in need

Deut.10:18, “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing” (note:  these three groups – the fatherless, widow and alien or stranger – and our responsibility to help them, appears numerous times in scripture).

Deut.10:18, God defends the cause of the fatherless, the widow and the alien.

Deut.24:17-22 – Notice that the “fatherless,” the “alien” and the “widow” are mentioned 4 times in this text.  God promises to “bless all the work of your hands” when you help them (v.19).  Israel was told to remember their own captivity and oppression in Egypt (v.14,22), and help those in need.  See also Exodus 3:7-10 for God’s heart for Israel when they were in captivity.  He has the same heart for the widow, the alien and the orphan.

Ruth 2:2, Boaz honored an ancient law and allowed the poor to glean in his field (Deut.24:19).  As a result, he was blessed and he blessed the world (4:21; see 2 Chron.3:17)

Job 29:12, 16; 30:25; 31:16-22, helping the poor, the orphan and the widow was deeply rooted in Biblical history.

Psa.68:5 – God is a Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows

Psa. 82:3-4 – Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless.

Proverbs > Abounds in references to helping the poor and needy, e.g. 14:21,31; 19:17; 21:13; 23:10-11; 28:27, 29:7; 31:8,9,20 .

Isaiah 1:17; 61:1,2 + Luke 4:16-21 - Jesus came among the poor and preached the Good News

Isaiah 58:5-8 – Righteousness is not measured by adherence to religious ritual but rather by the helping those in need.

Isaiah 61:1,2 – Jesus came to preach the gospel to the poor

Jonah 4:1-3  & 10-11 - Notice God’s heart compared to Jonah’s.

Zech.7:8,9 – Administer justice, show mercy and compassion – the widow, the orphan and the alien

Matt.6:2 - Jesus taught on the proper giving of alms to the needy

Matt.15:32 (also, John 6:5)  Jesus was moved with compassion for the hungry and weary.

Matt.25:31-46 – Judgment based on how we’ve helped the “least of these.”

Luke 2:24, Jesus was born into a poor family and lived in poverty (Lk.9:58)

Luke 10:25-37 – Parable of the Good Samaritan.  Religious people often pass by and ignore those in need.

John 12:6 - the common purse was used for helping the poor.

Acts 2:45 – Giving to those in need was rooted in the very fabric of Pentecost and Jewish life, and helps explain why the early Christians shared generously with the poor - Lev.23:22.  Giving to those in need was rooted in the very fabric of Pentecost. See Lev.23:22

Acts 4:32,34; Acts 6:1- The early Christians cared about the needy among them. Caring for widows was part of early Christian ministry.

Acts 10:1-4 – God recognized Cornelius’ gifts to the poor.

Acts 11:29 – The disciples provided help for the brethren in need

I Cor.16:1; 2 Cor.8:4 – Generosity was encouraged to help relieve needy saints.

2 Cor.8:9, Jesus was born and lived a life of poverty so that we could become rich in Him.

2 Cor.9:12-15 – Giving was for “supplying the needs of God’s people.

Gal.2:10 – Paul and the apostles continued to remember the poor as an important part of their ministry

Hebrews 6:10 – God sees your heart for those in need

Hebrews 13:15,16 – A reminder to share with those in need.

James 1:27; 2:1-7; 5:4 - Help for the fatherless, the widow, the poor; and justice for the worker, were considered part of pure and vital religion.